Meet the speakers

Head of Ocean Technology and Engineering,
National Oceanography Centre
Matt is the head of the Ocean Technology and Engineering Group and lead over forty engineers, technologists, and scientists in the development and provision of technology for support of marine, aquatic and environmental science and related industrial and regulatory applications. Research interests include the development of environmental measurement systems including the development of new chemical sensors and sensors for microbiology. I have a particular interest in the development of microsensors using either or both microfabrication and microfluidics. This has led to the development of a suite of sensors for nutrients, carbonate system parameters, trace metals, organic nutrients, pathogens, phytoplankton, hydrocarbons, pollutants and toxins.

ANB Sensors
Nathan is CEO of ANB Sensors, Ltd, and a Senior Lecturer at Hull University. Previously he was a Programme Manager at Schlumberger Research and a Post-Doc at New Mexico State University after completing his DPhil. at Oxford University. Nathan is a Fellow of the RSC, authored over 130 research papers, co-authored a Chemistry textbook, and has over thirty patent families. He has been recognised by the RSC in 2001 (Ronald-Belcher Lectureship), 2010 (Harrison-Meldola Prize), 2014 (Young Industrialist) and 2016 (Industrial Analytical Science Award). Nathan led team ANB Sensor to runners-up place in the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health X-Prize Challenge.

R&D Engineer,
Fluidion SAS
Victoire did a PhD in oceanography in Southampton where she worked on the development of an in situ sensor for seawater pH. She is now working as a R&D engineer at fluidion on the development of instruments with various applications in drinking water quality, environmental monitoring or oceanography.

Associate Professor,
Dalhousie University
Vincent Sieben, Associate Prof., P. Eng., Sexton Research Chair in Ocean Sensing received his PhD from the University of Alberta in 2008. From 2008-2011, Dr. Sieben conducted pioneering research on microfluidic bio/chemical sensors at the National Oceanography Center in Southampton, UK. While there, he developed the world’s first deep submersible lab-on-chip nutrient analyzers; including sensors for nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate. Dr. Sieben then spent 7-years in industry as a Senior Scientist with Schlumberger and delivered the first lab-on-chip sensor to be commercialized in the Energy industry—Maze™ microfluidic SARA. Dr. Sieben currently leads the ocean sensors laboratory at Dalhousie University.