Meet the speaker

Seiche Group
Mark Burnett is Seiche Water Technology Group’s (SWTG) Chief Executive Officer, taking up this position in December 2019.
Mark is a graduate of Liverpool John Moores University with global experience in the marine sector, including twenty years in the marine geophysical sector in offshore and shorebased operations and management roles.
Within SWTG, Mark’s key challenges focus on the strategic development of the group operating companies (Seiche, AutoNaut and Ashridge Engineering), striving to meeting the Group’s Mission Statement of advancing technology and solutions to provide customer-focused services to promote and protect our Environment.

Technical Sales Engineer,
Responsible for bringing L3Harris’ Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) solutions to market for survey and offshore energy applications. James has over 10 years’ experience in business development and project management, drawing on core engineering skills and experience from a range of other industries.

Senior Business
Development Manager,
Ocean infinity
With a technical background in geophysics, Michael started his career working offshore in oil and gas exploration across the world. This was followed by project management for shallower water surveys for oil and gas projects, within the offshore renewables sector and for the subsea cables market across the UK and Europe.
More recently, he has focussed on business development and innovation, responsible for providing strategic commercial support and insight, with particular concentration on unmanned systems and their applications.
He now works for the Ocean Infinity Group in their new division – Armada.

Society for Underwater Technology (SUT)