D-2 Deep Water CTD and Shallow Ocean Sensors Undergo Field Testing

D-2 Deep Water CTD and Shallow Ocean Sensors Undergo Field Testing

The D-2 Incorporated line of Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensors for the Oceanography Industry have been undergoing field testing with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for a few months. The results have been extremely impressive, showing proof that our new CTD technology is working, even at extreme depths up to 10,000 Meters Deep. The data when compared to older equipment in the industry, has shown even more precise data, but also is giving very similar results to equipment that has been used in the industry as a standard for years. Thus proving the CTD’s are providing accurate data when compared to industry standards.

Sensors prove successful in the field

The Oceanographic Community has been adopting the CTD into the array of sensors they use to measure the world’s oceans. We have delivered a recent order of these CTD’s to the Office Of Naval Research, and also to multiple Oceanographic Institutes including our last order was shipped to China. So already the new CTD technology is out in the field operating well and providing extremely accurate results for scientific research on a global level.

The CTD we provide that uses a Hybrid Conductivity sensor, is ideal for the “Ocean of Things”. D-2 provides a CTD for UUV / AUV’s that is built for use in Arctic Environments and does not require a pump to flush the sensor. This means our equipment is ideal for use by AUV’s and UUV’s, as the sensor is very compact, uses low power and has no pump needed. This makes it much easier to add to any existing or new platforms. Also, the unit is designed and tested for arctic environments is important, as the Arctic Circle has become a hot spot for military activity.

D-2 Inc also provides a more cost-effective solution for shallow water applications that provides conductivity and temperature measurement. This “OCT” Ocean Conductivity sensor is ideal for a variety of applications, especially the “Ocean of Things” implementation as the extremely precise equipment is built for a low cost, and provides very accurate conductivity measurement in a very small housing, and it requires very little power.

OCT Sensor

As you can see from the image of the OCT sensor above, it is a very compact unit that can be easily added to almost any platform. Such as the large catalog of oceanographic and military equipment that will be operating in shallow water environments anywhere in the world, from the arctic ocean to the tropics. Any application you can think of for Ocean Conductivity (Salinity), Temp and Depth, we have a CTD or an OCT sensor that can provide you the accurate data you require.

Different sea floor sensors

All of the above systems could benefit from the implementation of our OC shallow and deep-sea CTD systems. D-2 Inc. would love to work with you on your Ocean CTD sensor needs, and we can provide the solution to your application need. Just give us an email or a call for more information.

You can see more of the sensors available from D-2 on their website.

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