Meet the speakers

Principal Consultant,
Paul is Intertek’s modelling team leader, with 20 years’ experience in marine, coastal and estuarine environmental consultancy. After gaining his MSc in Physical Oceanography, he initially worked on offshore geophysical surveys, and then as a marine environmental modelling consultant. Paul has worked in the water industry since joining Metoc plc (now Intertek Energy and Water) in 2003, undertaking a range of hydrodynamic and water quality modelling assessments throughout the UK. These include reservoir studies, riverine, and estuarine Water Framework Directive assessments, and bathing and shellfish water compliance projects. He is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Environmentalist and Chartered Member of CIWEM.

Project Director,
Sea Sanctuaries Trust & Chair of Plastic SIG for IMarEST
Stephanie is currently the Project Director of Sea Sanctuaries Trust, a UK based charity that have had marine conservation efforts in Indonesia for over ten years. Some of her current research is focused on the environmental impacts of marine plastic pollution. She also volunteers on a number of boards, including the IMarEST Ocean Plastics and Marine Litter Special Interest Group, which was established this year to provide a platform for members to discuss and have input towards policy and industry guidance, monitoring, education and innovation to tackle marine plastic pollution.

Business Development, AutoNaut
Phil heads business development for AutoNaut USV. He worked at sea for many years as an offshore environmental consultant. Specialising in the effects of underwater noise on sea-life he also has a background in cetacean research. Innovative marine technology has been a constant theme in Phil’s career and he has worked around the world and across several industry sectors; oil & gas industry, defence and marine renewables.

Director Technical and Policy, IMarEST