Guest post: Miss Elaine Maslin, Sonardyne International Ltd.
Sonardyne International Ltd. and XOCEAN have successfully completed a pioneering live seabed-to-shore data harvesting mission using an unmanned surface vessel (USV) for A/S Norske Shell, as part of a seabed monitoring campaign at the giant Ormen Lange field offshore Norway.
The project was completed without a single person having to travel offshore or from their home office, was achieved with significantly less emissions, health and safety risk and cost than could be done with a manned vessel.
“We have always been big advocates of collecting data from our subsea instruments remotely using autonomous platforms. This technology is now coming of age and makes complete sense when thinking about the environment, the safety of offshore personnel and minimising cost. What’s more, thanks to the low hull and propulsion noise USVs can achieve, the data gathering is also faster, adding further to the efficiencies of this approach.”
Read the rest of this insightful article on the Sonardyne website:
Pioneering seabed-to-shore data delivery operation completed for A/S Norske Shell offshore Norway