Greenland Shark Filmed Using Programmable Subsea Camera

Greenland Shark Filmed Using Programmable Subsea Camera

Guest post: Mr Chad Collett, SubC Imaging


Our friends at Marine Institute gathered 258 hours of footage as part of their research to estimate the local densities of the Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus) in deep-water, data-poor regions of interest for fisheries development and marine conservation in Nunavut, Canada.

Using a baited SubC Autonomous Camera Solution, the Marine Institute created a regional time lapse with our 4K programmable subsea camera. During the study, 258 hours of footage were gathered during 31 deployments as part of their marine research of the Greenland Shark in deep-water, data-poor regions of interest for benthic science and conservation…

Read more about the research on their site: More insight

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